Why Do We Like Being Scared?

Fear is a strange thing. When it comes to what some people might consider entertainment, there’s an odd love for anything scary. From spine chilling horror movies such as The Conjuring to roller coaster rides, and crime thrillers, humans seem to mostly enjoy the adrenaline rush of fear but there are a whole host of other reasons we might enjoy a good scare once in a while. Fight or Flight Reponses At the heart of this fascination seems to be the fight or flight response. When confronted with something we perceive as a threat, such as those few tense moments before a jump scare, our body releases adrenaline. Adrenaline increases your heart rate and heightens your senses, but also causes a burst of energy and excitement. Controlled Fear and Thrill seeking For many, watching a horror movie, walking through a haunted house or going on a rollercoaster, offers many a safe way to experience fear, without being in actual danger. Because to many, the allure of fear is mainly based in th...